Now that winter is here, we want to make sure that all dog owners and their precious pooches are prepared for the cold weather. Labradors love snow and spending time outside in the winter, and you should definitely let your pup play outside. However, cold weather can be just as dangerous as overly hot summer weather to your pup if you’re not mindful. Let’s review some of the things to stay conscious of while playing with your pup in the winter months.
Plenty of Water

Just because it’s cold outside does not mean your dog does not need water. Labradors loving running, rolling around and jumping in the snow – lots of physical activities that burn a lot of energy and will tire your pup out. Just like you would need a drink after a vigorous workout, it’s vital to keep some water around to make sure that they don’t get dehydrated. With freezing conditions, it’s best to keeping your dog’s water inside so it does not become frozen, though you can bring a bottle of warm water with you or keep a bottle tucked within your coat if you’ll be going on a long walk or snowshoeing in the woods.
Cold Weather Gear
Some owners of small breeds will dress up their dogs for the elements. This can include some sort of coat or sweater and booties. Labradors, however, are much larger dogs that are accustomed to the winter climate. They have a two-layer coat, so nothing extra is needed. As a sporting dog, retrievers are very pretty much always ready to go in almost any outdoor conditions. However, with salt and ice on the roads and sidewalks, you may want to consider protecting their paws if walking in more urban conditions. Salt can cause the skin on your dog’s paws to dry out and crack, so if you’ll be spending much time on salt-treated surfaces, you should consider some kind of protection for your dog’s feet or at least make sure to rinse your dog’s paws off once you get home to prevent cracking and bleeding.
Limit Time Outside
Younger dogs, especially puppies, love to play in the snow just like kids, but they are also more susceptible and prone to hypothermia and frostbite. Outside playtime is fine during the winter, but it’s best to keep that time limited until your pup grows older. Playtime bursts of 15 to 20 minutes are ideal, depending on how cold it is outside. Bring them back in and let them have a bit of water and a warm-up break before heading back outside.
Lankas Lab pups are a great addition to any family unit or hunting enthusiasts. They are well-equipped for the cold and even better equipped to be wonderful members of your family or your hunting team. Every Labrador is different, but they’re all sure to be a great addition to your home.
Learn more about our puppies available for sale online or give us a call today at 785-626-9313.